What Causes Gingivitis and What are the Telltale Symptoms?

Gingivitis, caused by plaque buildup around the teeth, is the mildest form of gum disease, and gum disease is easily reversible with proper oral care at home and with regular professional cleanings. Healthy gums are pink, firm and they don’t bleed, so if your gums are redder and puffier than normal and they bleed during brushing and/or flossing, there is a high probability that you have gingivitis. Recent research released by the Journal of Dental Research estimates that 47 percent of Americans aged 30 and older has some form of gum disease.1 If left untreated, gingivitis can progress into more serious forms of gum disease that have the potential to result in irreversible damage, such as tooth loss.

You should make an appointment with your dentist to have your teeth cleaned and checked if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Bright red, reddish-purple or shiny gums
  • Gums that are sore to the touch
  • Persistent bad breath that does not go away
  • Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
  • Mouth sores

Dentists are best able to remove the plaque buildup that causes gum inflammation, and in combination with good oral care habits like regular brushing and flossing in between visits, you can easily prevent gingivitis from progressing to periodontal disease. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to the more serious stages of periodontal disease. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that flossing is enough, although its importance in gum health is invaluable. Even if your teeth are sparkling after you brush, there are still decaying food particles and plaque forming at the gum line that are not visible to the naked eye. Daily brushing, rinsing and flossing are the only way that you can ensure you are removing these bacteria in order to prevent the gum tissue from becoming inflamed. In addition to this daily dental hygiene regimine, consider using a natural treatment for gingivitis, such as the Tooth & Gums System offered by Dental Herb Company. All Dental Herb Company products are blended with precise formulations of the purest essential oils and alcohol-free extracts of organically grown herbs, and have been proven to reduce oral bacteria and provide long lasting results.

Oral health care and natural alternatives for the treatment of gingivitis

In the 1890s, fluoride was first added to toothpaste for its cavity fighting abilities, though its popularity in mouth care products did not become apparent until the 1950s.2 Since that time, studies on fluoride have revealed that it is a highly toxic additive that carries with it a laundry list of negative potential health consequences such as arthritis, gastrointestinal effects, brain effects, kidney disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, endocrine disruption and acute toxicity.3 Despite this, fluoride is still used in most commercial oral care products, as well as a variety of other toxins such as sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan, food dyes and artificial sweeteners. Improving your oral health at the expense of your overall well being is counterproductive. Natural oral care products such as those offered by Dental Herb Company are a safe and healthy choice for consumers.

When it comes to natural oral care products, some might believe that they aren’t as effective as their alternatives. Some might feel that chemicals are essential in order to properly clean, and that natural products are just not potent enough. The truth of the matter is that modern clinical research has demonstrated the antimicrobial benefits of essential oils and organically grown herbs such as those used in Dental Herb Company products.

The most effective ways to reverse gingivitis and prevent periodontitis

Dental Herb Company natural oral care products contain essential oils and herbs that help fight oral bacteria and maintain a healthy, good-looking smile. Many studies have shown that our bodies naturally develop a resistance to antibiotics when there is frequent exposure and overuse. This natural resistance to antibiotics includes those found in commercial toothpaste as well. The good news is that microorganisms do not appear to develop a resistance or tolerance to the antibacterial effects of essential oils.4 Not only are natural oral care products an effective gingivitis remedy compared with other over-the-counter options, their antimicrobial qualities, in combination with their aromatic scent and structure make them a better choice as a long-lasting remedy for bad breath.5 Whereas most products contain alcohol, which can dry out the mouth, Dental Herb Company products use oils which cling to damaged tissue and promote healing.

Truly Natural® Ingredients


An essential oil that provides overall protection by reducing oral bacteria and inflammation.

Dental Herb Company products are made with precisely calculated formulations of the highest quality ingredients including organically-grown herb extracts like peppermint, lavender, red thyme, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, echinacea, gotu kola and green tea. The 100% natural antimicrobial solutions from Dental Herb Company include: Tooth & Gums Tonic®,  Tooth & Gums Essentials® ToothpastePerioSpot Gel® , Under the Gums Irrigant® and a Tooth & Gums Spritz® that all work together to restore and maintain your oral health. The result is an incredibly powerful and effective treatment for penetrating the mucous membrane and improving the health of the teeth, gums, and mouth. Available online and through thousands of dentists and health professionals nationwide.


  1. “Almost Half of U.S. Adults Have Gum Disease: MedlinePlus.” U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_129227.html
  2. Church, Meredith. “History of Toothpaste.” Helium. Helium, 15 June 2012. Web. http://www.helium.com/items/2337069-the-history-of-toothpaste
  3. “Fluoride & Health.” Fluoridealert.org. Fluoride Action Network, n.d. Web. http://www.fluoridealert.org/issues/health/
  4. Meeker HG, Linke HAB. The antibacterial action of eugenol, thyme oil, and other related essential oils used in dentistry. Compend. 1998;9(1):32-40
  5. Schechter, Bernard, DDS. “Time Tested Botanical Remedies for Modern Periodontal Therapy.” Dentistry Today Oct. 1998: n. pag. Web. https://dentalherbmain.wpenginepowered.com/pdfs/Dentistry-Today-Schechter-Article.pdf

What is Periodontal Disease?

Facts About What Causes Periodontal Disease: The Most Common Risk Factors

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a chronic inflammation of the gums that is caused by a buildup of bacteria-laden plaque that irritates the gum tissue. The mildest form of periodontal disease is gingivitis which, if left untreated, can eventually result in the development of periodontitis—the most serious form of gum disease and the leading cause of tooth loss in adults 35 and older.1 The most common risk factors for developing this disease2 are:

  • A family history of periodontal disease
  • Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, menstruation, puberty and menopause
  • Illnesses and diseases that interfere with proper immune functioning such as diabetes
  • Poor lifestyle habits, such as maintaining an unhealthy diet, smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Improper daily oral care and neglecting to have regular professional cleanings
  • Certain medications that reduce the amount of saliva in the mouth

When not treated properly, toxins that are produced by plaque, in combination with the body’s constant inflammatory response, can lead to a breakdown of the connective and bone tissue that are responsible for holding the teeth in place to the point where the gum tissue and bone can become irrevocably damaged.

The good news is that the best treatment for periodontal disease is prevention—and it’s simply a matter of practicing good habits when it comes to your oral hygiene. Dental Herb Company offers oral care products made with the highest quality pure essential oils and organic herbs instead of the harsh chemicals found in most oral care products. When used as an integrated herbal protocol along with regular flossing and dental hygiene maintenance, Dental Herb Company products help fight bacteria that can cause gingivitis and lead to more serious gum diseases. If your gums are more red and puffy than normal or you have noticed bleeding when brushing or flossing, the Dental Herb products can help to reduce bacteria and prevent periodontal disease from progressing.

How natural treatment for periodontal disease plays a key role in a healthy lifestyle

There are many health benefits to using natural dental care products over commercial varieties, and consumers are increasingly becoming aware of this fact and making the switch. Herbal mouth care products are made from ingredients that are naturally occurring rather than those that are produced in a laboratory. Studies have shown that since microorganisms do not develop a tolerance to the antibacterial effects of the essential oils used in herbal toothpastes and mouth rinses, they are even more effective in preventing tooth decay and periodontal disease than commercial toothpaste that relies on toxic antibiotics like triclosan to kill germs.

The increase in consumer demand for organic and natural products has now extended beyond dietary staples and into the dental care aisle. People are looking for additional ways in which they can eliminate artificial ingredients and chemicals from their diets, and changing their brand of toothpaste is an effective way to limit toxins that have the potential to have long-term negative accumulative effects on the body. The majority of commercial toothpastes contain fluoride because of its cavity-fighting properties, but it can be highly toxic in large doses, especially for young children. In fact, in 2009 there were over 23,000 calls to poison control regarding fluoride toxicity from toothpaste.3 These toothpastes also contain the detergent sodium lauryl sulfate, which damages the protective mucous lining of your mouth and can exacerbate bad breath and lead to canker sores. In addition, many of the artificial dyes and sweeteners that are added to these over-the-counter oral care products have been linked to behavioral and other health problems.4

Of course, one of the last places you’d expect to find pesticides, cancer-causing chemicals, and toxic additives that have been linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease is in your medicine cabinet. Sadly, all of these toxins and questionable additives are found in the majority of commercial toothpaste brands5. You brush your teeth with the intention of keeping your teeth and gums healthy, but while you are doing this, are you exposing your body to a cocktail of toxins? The potential for long-term consequences that can result from an accumulation of these chemicals is cause for concern and reason enough to make the switch to 100% natural tooth care products. 

Prevent periodontal disease by paying attention to the warning signs and practicing proper oral care

In order to fight gingivitis and prevent it from worsening, it is imperative that you brush, rinse and floss your teeth regularly in order to reduce the amount of plaque build up under the gum line. One of the best ways to boost your oral hygiene routine is to use natural products, such as those made by Dental Herb Company.

Dental Herb Company products are made with precisely calculated proportions of the finest quality pure essential oils and organically grown herbs to work synergistically in reducing oral bacteria and maintaining healthy teeth and gums. The unique Tooth & Gums System includes a Tooth & Gums Tonic®,  Tooth & Gums Essentials® ToothpastePerioSpot Gel® Under the Gums Irrigant® and a Tooth & Gums Spritz.® These products provide the greatest results when used together. Dental Herb Company products are available through thousands of dental and health professionals nationwide, and are also available online.  Dental Herb Company natural oral care products can help combat bacteria that can lead to periodontal disease. Ask your dentist about Dental Herb Company or order some for yourself so that you can experience the benefits of heathier teeth and gums!


  1. “Fallacies About Gum Disease.” Perio.org. American Academy of Periodontology, n.d. Web. http://www.perio.org/consumer/f1.html
  2. “Gingivitis.” Cleveland Clinic. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, n.d. Web. http://my.clevelandclinic.org/disorders/gingivitis/hic_gingivitis.aspx
  3. “Dental Products.” Fluoridealert.org. Fluoride Action Network, n.d. Web. http://www.fluoridealert.org/issues/dental-products/toothpastes/
  4. Baker, Scott. “The 5 Hidden Dangers In Toothpaste.” Down With Basics. Down With Basics, 3 July 2011. Web. http://downwithbasics.com/the-5-hidden-dangers-in-toothpaste
  5. Turnbull, Philippa. “The Dangers of Toothpaste and Deodorant.” Positivehealth.com. Positive Health Online, n.d. Web. http://www.positivehealth.com/article/environmental/the-dangers-of-toothpaste-and-deodorant